BADV Project which developed by Sabanci University Corporate Governance Forum is the only project that entered from Turkey to the World Champions list of UNFPA on Combating Violence Against Women. Business Against Domestic Violance Project which developed by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum, in collaboration with TÜSİAD and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Sabancı Foundation's involves in a list includes 16 Champion Projects aims to combat gender-based violence in their own countries and in their own way. With the support of the project, efforts are being made to enable companies to take action against the violence their women employees are exposed to in close relationship. BADV was the only project that entered from Turkey to the list. Also in the list; Tunisia, Peru (with 2 projects), Ecuador, Palestine, Vietnam, Indonesia, Ukraine, Philippines (with 2 projects), Tanzania, Bangladesh, India, Republic of Congo and Ethiopia took place.
Sevda Alkan, Manager of Women's Empowerment Projects, was among the 16 leaders awarded. Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum Business Against Domestic Violence Project Manager Sevda Alkan said, “Many people are not aware of different types of domestic violence and do not know where to get support. People think that if a woman has higher education or economic independence, she will not be subjected to violence. This is not true. I recommend that people learn and share the facts about domestic violence everywhere.Melsa Ararat, director of the Corporate Governance Forum, said; "The success of this project demonstrates the importance of participatory and action-oriented research. I think that universities should pay more attention to research that will provide input to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which will contribute to the business world, and prepare the basis for partnerships that will bring the business world to academia.”