Welcome to BADV
Launched in 2013 by the Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum with the support of the Dutch Consulate General, the BADV Project is now supported by UNFPA and the Sabancı Foundation, with TÜSİAD as a strategic partner. The project continues to provide guidance to companies on developing and implementing workplace policies addressing domestic violence.
Between 2016 and 2023, the BADV project included 113 companies, and this year, 16 new companies have joined. We are thrilled to see the new companies adopt the "zero tolerance" principle toward violence and become part of the fight against domestic violence in the business world.
We are excited to work with the companies joining the BADV project, all of which have adopted a zero-tolerance approach toward violence.
We congratulate our new companies and warmly welcome them to our network.
You can view the list of BADV companies for 2024 in alphabetical order.
- Akbank
- AkzoNobel Türkiye
- Beko
- Biotrend Enerji
- Dimes Gıda A.Ş
- IC Holding ve Grup Şirketleri
- Koton
- QNB Finansbank
- Rateks Tekstil
- Rönesans Holding
- TOYO Matbaa Mürekkepleri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
- Tüv Austria Turk Bel.Eğitim Ve Gözetim Hiz.Ltd.Şti.
- Yavuzçehre Tekstil
- Yeşilova Holding