The launch of the BADV project took place at the Consulate General of the Netherlands on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, with a roundtable meeting of names from the business world and academia. In his opening speech, Robert Schuddeboom, the Dutch Consul General of the Netherlands, emphasized the importance of the Dutch Government for social equality. A & B Communications Chairman Sibel Asna, AÇEV CEO Ayla Göksel, Boyner Corporate Communication Coordinator Aysun Sayın, President of Hacettepe University Private Law Department Kadriye Bakırcı, KAGİDER President Gülden Türktan, Nacide Berber and Esen Özdemir from the Purple Roof Women's Shelter Foundation, Ayşe Yüksel from the Sabancı University Gender and Women's Studies Forum and Füsun Ülengin, the Dean of the Faculty of Management has taken places.