2024 BADV Training Program Continues!
The fifth module of the BADV Training Program, titled “Monitoring and Social Impact Management Training,” took place on November 12 and 13, from 09:30 to 12:30, in two sessions.
The training, delivered by Serra Titiz and Tuba Bozaykut Bük from Mikado Sustainable Development Consulting, delved into social impact, impact-oriented thinking, and the importance of monitoring and evaluation. The sessions also addressed the social impacts of the BADV Domestic Violence Prevention Project, explaining the steps necessary for managing social impact and emphasizing the significance of the theory of change.
The training was enriched with group activities, focusing on indicators and data collection methods, reporting scope, and data communication dimensions. Through interactive applications, participants identified the stakeholders involved in the BADV project, discussed the changes needed to achieve project objectives, and explored the activities required to bring about these changes.
The BADV Trainer Training Program for 2024 will continue with “Module 4: Violence Against Women and the Health Approach” and “Module 6: Effective Communication and Delivery.”