The Business Against Domestic Violence (BADV) Project, which was carried out with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Sabanci Foundation, and in collaboration with TÜSİAD continues to expand to include 9 more enterprises in 2020. In addition, unlike prior years, the project, which was established for the corporate world, is expected to involve municipalities in 2020.
The project aims to raise awareness about violence against women and to create support mechanisms and methods in the workplace to make women's participation in the workforce more effective and efficient. Between 2016-2019, 62 institutions were involved in the project and created an official institution policy within the scope of combating domestic violence. In 2020, Beyçelik Gestamp, Borusan Holding, Fiba Banka, HKTM-Hidropar Hareket Kontrol Teknolojileri Merkezi San. Ve Tic. A.Ş., Lenovo Türkiye, Limak Yatırım, Kibar Holding, Reckitt Benckiser Ev ve Temizlik A.Ş, Turkcell, and Tekfen Holding approved their participation in the project and committed to establishing a company policy on domestic violence.
Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, guidelines for the formation of workplace policies against domestic violence by the Sabanci University Corporate Governance Forum to enterprises that opted to create a policy began to be delivered online rather than in the physical environment. Following the completion of the guide training, the 'Gender Equality Trainer Training' will begin in June and will be delivered in three modules.