The fifth event of the BADV Network Seminar and Workshop Series took place online.
As a BADV Network, we gathered at the ‘Different Types of Violence, Legal Legislation Related to Domestic Violence, and Application Mechanisms in Turkey’ titled fifth event of our Workshop and Seminar Series, which we hold every two months to discuss and delve into topics that we need to talk about together.
Given by United Nations Population Fund Turkey Gender Equality Program Coordinator Yasemin Akis Kalaylıoğlu, the Seminar gave us the opportunity to discuss topics such as types of gender-based violence, legal regulations related do domestic violence, and institutions and application mechanisms that can be applied for domestic violence in Türkiye.
The seminar also addressed common misconceptions about violence against women and emphasized the importance of adopting an interdisciplinary approach to effectively combat this issue.
The next event in the BADV Network Seminar and Workshop Series will be held in October!