2024 BADV Training Program Has Started!
The first module of the 2024 BADV Training program, titled "Concepts and Roles of Gender Equality," was held on September 18 and 19 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
The training, conducted by Associate Professor Dr. Ece Oztan from Notidem Training and Consultancy, was attended by representatives from 14 new companies that joined BADV in 2024.
During the training, participants had the opportunity to engage in discussions and deepen their understanding of concepts and roles related to gender equality, the relationship between discrimination and inequality, different forms of masculinity, gender-based violence, the impact of gender on work life, and sexism in daily life and language.
The training program, designed for companies that joined BADV with a commitment to creating workplace policies related to domestic violence, will continue with modules on "Legal Framework," "Institutions and Organizations to Contact in the Fight Against Violence Against Women," "Communication Techniques with Employees Experiencing Violence," "Gender-Based Violence and Health Approach," "Monitoring and Evaluation," and "Effective Communication and Delivery."